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Bali Ram: Rhythm by Nature


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Born in Nepal and discovered by multi-talented journalist Desmond Doig, here are glimpses of the life of Bali Ram when he traveled the world performing on famous stages as a classical Indian dancer: an encounter on a street in Calcutta with a raging bull barreling toward Mother Teresa; naively refusing riches from the King of Sikkim; in Ethiopia, afraid of the leopards on leashes as Emperor Selassie greeted him; a jeep ride with Picasso ending in one of Bali's favorite memories; a stroll on the beach with JFK after he performed on the stage at the United Nations; life at the Hitchcock estate in Millbrook, New York, with LSD guru Timothy Leary; and mesmerized as a gorgeous leg--attached to Marilyn Monroe--came through the door of his dressing room.
New York was home to him for many years while he studied modern dance with the incomparable Martha Graham. John D. Rockefeller III visited his apartment and introduced him into the Asia Society where he danced and taught Indian cuisine classes after performances. While living at Millbrook, New York, Bali made unique pottery and sold it in New York City and at the village of Woodstock where he had coffee with young Bob Dylan. Woodstock festival was the last event he attended before he moved to an ashram in Arizona.
What a privilege it is to be able to share his incredible life.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 215 Pages
  • File Size: 4,036 KB

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