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I, Target (Part 1)


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My name is Marko Santana and I have been killed many times.

You see, each time I am killed, my mind jumps into the killer's body and I take over. It's weird but simple: if someone kills me, I get their body.

So does that make me the ultimate crime-fighter? Maybe a cool body-snatcher kind of guy? Or nothing but a freakin' brain parasite? Personally, I prefer to think of myself as the ultimate survivor--with a serious personality disorder.

I am not your father's punch and run superhero. I am a problem in motion--and for better or worse, I am on the road to being seriously mental.

Join me on my quest for purpose and sanity as I journey through life in other people's bodies. For these are the chronicles of one who feeds on killers--my killers. These are the chronicles of Marko Santana.

Born in Texas. Died all over.

I, Target is a 5-part series and each part must be read in order. I, Target (The Complete Series) is also available.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 110 Pages
  • File Size: 842 KB

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