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Leadership (The Brian Tracy Success Library)


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Throughout your life, you've always recognized "it" when you saw it--that indescribable, appealing quality that tells you loud and clear this person is a leader, someone you should trust, follow, and learn from. And you've always told yourself, if only you had that "it factor" inside you that could inspire, motivate, and lead others in the same way. Well, you do... and you can!Nobody--not even the greatest you have ever seen--comes into the world a natural leader. But somewhere along the way, these people who entered the world in the same you did transformed into the kind of magnetic individuals who inspire others to follow their lead. Success expert Brian Tracy has spent years studying the world's greatest leaders and believes that everyone has it inside them to:? Inspire trust, confidence, and loyalty? Instill a sense of meaning and purpose in your organization? Tap into the motivation and enthusiasm that compels others to commit to your vision ? Clearly communicate goals and strategies and gain buy-in? Build winning teams? Elicit extraordinary performance from ordinary people ? Become the person seen as most likely to lead the organization to victory? And moreDon't fall for the lie that says some are born leaders and the rest of us are simply their followers. You are just as capable as anyone! Packed with practical, proven methods, Leadership, a indispensable little guide will help you unlock your leadership potential.

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  • We started tracking this book on January 16, 2014.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 110 Pages
  • File Size: 446 KB

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