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The Ghost of Garfield Home for Boys

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A supernatural thriller for young readers and adults alike. Tommy Beauchamp is a ward of the child welfare system. He has the uncanny ability to sense when he is in danger, the gift of second sight. When he arrives at Garfield Home for Boys near the beginning of the holidays, he has a run in with a staff member who has ties to a gang of human traffickers. His first impulse is to run away, but when he is befriended by Duncan, a detective also gifted with the second sight, he makes the decision to stay and fight. When Duncan sees that the boy possesses the sight, he takes it upon himself to protect Tommy until he learns the secret of his gift. Tommy has other ideas about how to keep himself and his friends safe, and in the process save the program at Garfield. When his plan starts to unravel he is thrown into danger and Duncan must act to save him, at the risk of having others discover his own deep secret. Join Tommy and Duncan, along with Leon, Josue, Bill the Giant and Ms. Susie, as they battle to make Garfield a safe home for all the boys.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 324 Pages

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