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Centennial: A Novel

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Written to commemorate the Bicentennial in 1976, James A. Michener's magnificent saga of the Westis an enthralling celebration of the frontier. Brimming with the glory of America's past, the story of Colorado -- the Centennial State -- is manifested through its people: Lame Beaver, the Arapaho chieftain and warrior, and his Comanche and Pawnee enemies; Levi Zendt, fleeing with his child bride from the Amish country; the cowboy, Jim Lloyd, who falls in love with a wealthy and cultured Englishwoman, Charlotte Seccombe. In Centennial, trappers, traders, homesteaders, gold seekers, ranchers, and hunters are brought together in the dramatic conflicts that shape the destiny of the legendary West -- and the entire country.

BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from James A. Michener's Hawaii.

Praise for Centennial

"A hell of a book... While he fascinates and engrosses, Michener also educates." -- Los Angeles Times

"An engrossing book... imaginative and intricate... teeming with people and giving a marvelous sense of the land." -- The Plain Dealer

"Michener is America's best writer, and he proves it once again in Centennial... If you're a Michener fan, this book is a must. And if you're not a Michener fan, Centennial will make you one." -- The Pittsburgh Press

"An absorbing work... Michener is a superb storyteller." -- BusinessWeek

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 1,105 Pages
  • File Size: 11,073 KB

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