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At what point do you stop wanting someone you know you can never have?

Ava Crawley only had one dream in life; grow up and marry the boy next door. When she was twenty, her dream was crushed by her nasty, vindictive, deceitful sister Kennedy. Unable to handle the hurt, Ava fled the only home she'd ever known.

Jeremy Henley is a sky cowboy in Australia's Northern Territory. Along with his twin brother, Jackson, he is Pine Creek's finest catch. Jeremy doesn't give a damn about that, he only cares about the most beautiful woman he's ever seen; Ava Crawley. After years of waiting for Ava to show an interest in him, an opportunity presents itself and Jeremy takes it. Then, Ava up and leaves for France. No explanation. No goodbye. Nothing. She doesn't come back for three years, and when she does, Jeremy has a baby son.

Will Ava and Jeremy be able to overcome the pain of the past and give their love a chance? Or, will Ava lose her life just as she's starting to live her dream?

Previously titled Sky Cowboy

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 151 Pages
  • File Size: 2,438 KB

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