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Kirkus Reviews: "A winning mixture of practical encouragement and big-picture advice."

Imagination is the tool with which you architect your life.

Your mind has the ability to inhibit or enhance your imagination. This book shows you secrets of how your mind works. It gives you keys to being a success by simply thinking differently and acting in new ways.

Though there are no guarantees, if you learn to apply what this little book shows you, you will move more quickly into becoming the person you have always wanted to be.

"Chapter 1: What Is Imagination?" explores the mystery of your creative power.

"Chapter 2: Blind Spots" shows you how your mind can blind you to the truth.

"Chapter 3: The Reticular Activating System" discloses a powerful part of your mind that shapes every moment of every day.

"Chapter 4: Your Reality Thermostat" explains how your pictures of yourself and the world can be enhanced or restricted.

"Chapter 5: The Subconscious Repository" reveals how the subconscious mind works to limit and support your goals.

"Chapter 6: The Adaptive Unconscious" shows you how there is a part of your mind that constantly and secretly shapes your world.

"Chapter 7: Picture Power" talks about experts and how they can actually limit you.

"Chapter 8: Self-Talk and Self-Image" delves deeply into how you create yourself and your world.

"Chapter 9: Affirmations" provides you examples of how to work with the mechanisms of your mind to manifest your life.

"Chapter 10: Opening Windows of Opportunity" suggests actions that will make you move quickly toward your goals.

"Chapter 11: Advanced Imagination" offers you an out-of-the-box way of creating your life without using your mind.

"Chapter 12: Next Steps" suggests how to bring more adventure into creating your life.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 162 Pages
  • File Size: 14,379 KB

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