



In high school, Kristen Welch wore a big, sparkly rhinestone "Jesus" pin to school every day and carried her Bible wherever she went. (Yes, she was that girl.) But she didn't realize her faith, though sincere, was shallow; much like her artificial accessory, it would one day tarnish, no longer a true fit for who she was. As real life catapulted Kristen into places and situations she'd never imagined, there came a day when she stood shocked in the slums of Africa and realized in one desperate moment that Jesus wasn't enough for her. At least... she wasn't living like He was. On the brink of a risk bigger than any she'd ever taken, Kristen knew she didn't stand a chance -- unless she was willing to put aside the rhinestones and get branded by the real thing. Rhinestone Jesus is the story of one woman's journey from comfortably living a safe, "good-girl" faith that didn't cost much, to realizing that God was daring her to say yes to a bolder, more authentic, more dangerous way. This story of spiritual adventure throws the doors wide open for any woman who's ever thought of herself as "just a mom." Kristen will inspire and empower you to say yes to God right where you are -- and stand amazed at how your life will shine.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 254 Pages
  • File Size: 19,588 KB

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