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Undercover Marriage (Witness Protection Book 6)


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Law enforcement agents pose as husband and wife to break a child trafficking ring in this inspirational romantic suspense.

An illegal adoption ring -- using kidnapped babies -- has to be stopped. To gather the necessary evidence, US marshal Serena Summers goes undercover -- as a married woman desperate for a baby. Her "husband" is her own partner, US marshal Josh McCall, whom Serena blames for her brother's death. How can she act like a loving wife when she has to constantly fight her feelings for a man she isn't sure she can trust? The closer they get to unraveling the dark web of deceit, though, the more being Josh's undercover wife means putting her life -- and future -- in his hands.

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  • We started tracking this book on January 8, 2014.
  • This book was $5.49 when we started tracking it.
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  • This book has been $8.49 6 times since we started tracking it.


Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 219 Pages
  • File Size: 1,793 KB

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