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The Glass Kitchen: A Novel of Sisters

by (St. Martin's Press)

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A heartfelt novel of food, family, and new love: "Sweet and intense, with delightful magical accents, a delectable romance -- and yummy recipes." -- Kirkus Reviews

Portia Cuthcart never intended to leave Texas. Her dream was to run the Glass Kitchen restaurant her grandmother built decades ago. But after the loss of her legacy, Portia is determined to start a new life with her sisters in Manhattan... and never cook again.

Moving into a dilapidated brownstone on the Upper West Side, Portia meets Gabriel, a widowed father who could use help with his two young girls. Yet a promise made to her sisters forces Portia back into a world of magical food and swirling emotions, where she must confront everything she has been running from. Soon, long-held secrets are revealed, rivalries are exposed, and the promise of new love stirs to life like chocolate mixing with cream.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: June 17, 2014
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 382 Pages
  • File Size: 2,790 KB

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