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Rachel Dennehy had a crazy thought. If she could just start over somewhere else, she could forget about all the ghosts that chased her. When an email landed in her inbox, to tutor a difficult student whose father just happened to be a prominent businessman, the apple was a bit too enticing for Rachel to refuse.

She moves to Beverly Hills, where she is tasked with turning around young Jonathan Fullerton's bad attitude, one that stems directly from his parents' ugly divorce and even uglier custody battle. That Drew Fullerton is one of the handsomest and most eligible bachelors in the world means nothing to Rachel. Drew's brother, Alex, however, assumes otherwise. This sets the two immediately at odds, though they both have young Jonathan's best interest at heart. Unfortunately the more he tries to warn her away from Drew, the closer he ultimately propels her toward her charming boss.

Rachel stays solely to protect young Jonathan, trapping her into this sticky web despite her own history of loss and betrayal. How long will she last? More importantly, what will she be required to give to save these Fullerton men who continually tug her in three different directions?

Adult content intended for readers 18+.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 265 Pages
  • File Size: 447 KB

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