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Followed Home (Crime Time Thrillers)


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Bowden knew the best place to find a victim is somewhere they feel safe. And the best place to find a rich victim is someplace where rich people feel safe. He'd learned the hard way about country clubs; those rich people are all armed with golf clubs and tennis rackets and shit and beat the hell out of you before calling the cops. End up punch ugly and busted up at your arraignment... and the jury applauds every damned yuppy who beat on you when they testify at trial. No more country clubs for Bowden. But a nice, upscale supermarket like Archstone with a parking lot filled with Beemers and Mercies and massive Cadillac SUVs? No shortage of rich people who feel safe. Now all Bowden had to do was pick one...

Diane Taylor put the final bag of groceries into the Range Rover, pushing it back to give herself room for the huge 40 pound bag of dog food on the bottom of the cart. That's when the strange man came from the shadows between cars and smiled at her, "Hey, pretty lady, let me help you with that."

4,000 word suspense short story.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 23 Pages
  • File Size: 111 KB

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