



The godlike Darkseid emerges in the 30th century with an ingenious plot to finally conquer the universe in Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen's timeless Legion of Super-Heroes epic!

Using his faithful minions to acquire all of the mystic artifacts of the time, Darkseid gains mental control over a race of three billion all-powerful beings. Now, as their universe teeters on the edge of Armageddon, the Legion of Super-Heroes amass their own army of every champion who ever held the status of Legionnaire to stand against the Dark Lord and his invincible soldiers. But as the Legion suffers defeat after defeat, they realize that salvation and victory rest in the hands of a mysterious baby that has aged into adulthood before their very eyes!

This is the perfect edition of the classic Levitz storyline that was decades ahead of its time and still stands as one of DC's most enthralling superhero tales! Collects LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #284-296 and ANNUAL #1.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 414 Pages
  • File Size: 1,361,920 KB

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