



The Preacher in Ecclesiastes reminds us that life under the sun does not happen according to neat and tidy rules. He asks us to see the world around us in all its messiness and explores what that reveals about us, our world, and God. If someone were to say to him, "You shouldn't talk so plainly," he would respond, "But people go through this kind of stuff and we have to talk about it. These things happen, so now what?" The result is a meditation that engages people where they are and draws them to face up to the God who enters their world and redeems it and them.
"A pastorally poetic guide to the endlessly 'wild and strange wonder called Ecclesiastes'... Be sure to reflect on the weighty questions that Zack provides after each chapter. They offer the reader a timely opportunity to respond to the author's thoughtful observations of an ultimately hopeful text."
-- Donald C. Guthrie, Director of the Ph.D. (Educational Studies), Professor of Educational Ministries, The Jeanette L. Hsieh Chair of Educational Leadership, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Zack Eswine (Ph.D., Regent University) is lead pastor at Riverside Church in Webster Groves, Missouri. Zack has served in pastoral roles for nearly twenty years and was an Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Director for the Doctor of Ministry program at Covenant Theological Seminary. Zack has also written many books on preaching and Christian living.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 265 Pages
  • File Size: 424 KB

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