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Live It NOT Diet! is a rock-solid step-by-step blueprint that transforms the average person into a strong, healthy, fat burning machine. It's not a quick-fix diet solution, but rather a sustainable lifestyle plan - that's realistic and relevant for the majority.

After exposing the conventional approach to getting fit, with Eat Meat And Stop Jogging, Mike Sheridan delivers his progressive plan for losing the fat and keeping it off without counting calories, doing cardio, or sacrificing your health.

Using the most well-respected research, and over a decade of practical experience, Live It NOT Diet! educates the reader with 14 food and nutrition principles - distributed across 3 carefully constructed phases - and motivates them with a collection of diet and weight loss, and health and fitness facts - that call for immediate action.

"Most diets may result in weight loss, but most losing weight by dieting also don't maintain their results. Largely because the majority of diet plans, nutrition textbooks, and books on health focus on reaching a caloric deficit - which slows down our metabolism, elevates our hunger hormones, and forces our body to conserve energy. But also because a reduction in food quantity (calories) without considering quality (nutrients), means a good proportion of that weight is muscle." - Coach Mike

Unlike the quick-fix diet books, and over-exercising workout plans, Mike lays out the fundamentals of human nutrition and metabolism, and optimal health and fitness. Leaving the reader with the information they need to get fit, and helping them understand that staying fit requires a lot less exercise than they think - and none of the energy-burning marathon training and aerobic exercises we've come to associate with healthy living.

Live it NOT Diet! is the perfect combination of cutting-edge science and street-wise design, presented in a mindful, impeccably well-organized strategy. With Coach Mike finding a way to go beyond diet, and make it suitable for everyone - whether you dream of better health and a longer life, or a body made for a speedo!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 359 Pages
  • File Size: 3,466 KB

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