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Love Always, Kate (Love Always Series Book 1)


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Dear Diary,

Leukemia's been my life since I was eleven. Now, six years later, I want my life back. Only I'm not sure what that is. The test results came back today. 22,000. Which means I'm officially out of remission -- again. I have three options:

1) Another round of chemo.
2) A super-new experimental drug.
3) Dump it all -- forget the meds and treatments and enjoy the time I have left.

I think I know what I want. Then, in walks Damian, changing everything.

I mean, everything...

He's got his own set of issues. It binds us together, you know? We understand what it's like to lose what matters most in seconds. Still, the last thing I need is to have someone else to crush if I can't fight hard enough. And the last thing he needs is someone else to grieve.

Never mind. I'm down to two options now.

Somehow I know that whichever one I choose, the result will be the same. With the sand in my hourglass seeping to the bottom, I hope there's enough left to show Damian that life's worth living.

Worth fighting for. Worth dying for.

Love Always,

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 369 Pages
  • File Size: 1,577 KB

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