



A young Amish woman is torn between the man she's pledged to marry and the man her heart desires in Shelley Shepard Gray's The Promise of Palm Grove.

Bride-to-be Leona is thrilled to be on a mini-vacation in the pretty town of Pinecraft. Her girlfriends think she's happy to be away from the stress of wedding planning; they have no idea that Leona's real joy is in being away from her fiancé.

Edmund is a good man and will make a decent husband... just not for Leona. The more time she spends with him and his overbearing ways, the less she wants to be his wife. But when a chance encounter with a wayward cat brings her face-to-face with a handsome, fun-loving Amish man named Zachary Kauffman, Leona's faced with two vastly different futures.

And now Leona must decide: Does she follow the path set out before her? Or take a chance with only the promise of what could be to guide her?

"Shelley Shepard Gray writes with honesty, tenderness, and depth. Her characters are admirable, richly-layered, and impossible to forget." -- New York Times bestselling author Jillian Hart

The Brides of Pinecraft

The Promise of Palm Grove

The Proposal at Siesta Key

A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn

A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: January 27, 2015
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 371 Pages
  • File Size: 5,540 KB

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