



Warning! If you haven't read Another Chance and Not By Chance, by the same author, you probably won't enjoy One More Chance!
Michael believes he should resign from his job in order to be a better husband and father, but it isn't easy to walk away from Casey's. Each time there's a crisis, he uses it as an excuse to postpone taking early retirement, even though the job demands more and more time and the board won't hire an assistant.
Anna is worried that the job is taking too hard a toll on Michael's health, but she can't persuade him to go to John Casey and plead his case. Meanwhile, she does her best at parenting the twins on her own, and helping Michael in any way she can, even caring for his mother while she is dying.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 289 Pages
  • File Size: 2,723 KB

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