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No one wants to think about what can happen when a disaster, natural or not, happens. Learning how to hunker down in your own home is a survival skill everyone needs to know

Disasters and other emergencies happen, and you have to prepare in order to save and protect yourself and your loved ones.

There may be disaster situations that may keep you from being able to get out of where you live. You might have to stay at one place for an extended period of time. This is what is known as "hunkering down." Hunkering down involves staying in one place for a while as a means of ensuring that you will be secure from outside threats. In these situations, the length of time that you might have to hunker down is unknown. You have to be prepared.

This book is about what you need to do in the event that you do actually have to hunker down and defend yourself for a while. This covers information on what supplies you'll need in, how you will protect yourself, and more. Topics included are:

? Why people have to hunker down in the first place
? The home security materials you'll need to protect yourself and to observe what is happening outside
? What you can use for energy
? The foods that you'll need
? How to manage hygiene and first aid
? What you'll need for communication
? What to do if you must leave your "safe" place

This book can be important in helping you understand what you what you can do if you need to stay in one place for a while. It's a difficult thing to think, about but it is one that you must consider for your own safety and survival.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 55 Pages
  • File Size: 2,472 KB

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