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Grandpa Went to Heaven


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Grandpa Went to Heaven

This children's book 'Grandpa Went to Heaven', is written from a Christian perspective for very young children who have lost a loved one. What do you tell a young child who has lost a loved one and is grieving?

Children are so concrete in their thinking, explaining death to a child can be a very difficult subject to talk about in generic terms, yet especially so in the middle of emotional pain and loss. Yet, they seek answers. This was written as a tool to assist parents and loved ones to help children dealing with death, loss, grief and bereavement.

It has beautiful images and acknowledges the sadness of grief, yet also offers hope and comfort as well. There is a foreword section to parents in the book with suggestions to help their children through this very painful time, and tips to customize the book to their specific circumstances, including other loved ones besides a grandpa.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 26 Pages

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