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Fans of The Hunger Games and George Orwell's 1984 will love Want, the first book in the Numbered series.

Trust no one, no one trusts - that is the way of Lunar City.

2085 - The Earth has nearly been destroyed through global warming and the use nuclear weapons as WWIII begins.

Two hundred years later and it is the Ruling Class in the Moon's Lunar City who rule the five cities left on the barren planet. Careers are dictated, breeding is regulated, those who can't work are made to disappear and everyone is known by a number. There is no time for fun and very little need for love. Lethal injections are brandished freely and an army of clones are bred for purely military purposes.

Aurelia has left school with flying colors and will be flown to the Moon to work with the Elite race in the hospital. Kind-hearted, creative and intelligent, Aurelia is about to be launched into a life she could never have even dreamed of on earth, a life where power and politics are a dangerous combination and trust is hard to come by.

With the help of new friends, Aurelia will learn whose side she is really on but the truth soon becomes horribly clear: on Lunar, you can trust no one.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 250 Pages
  • File Size: 2,449 KB

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