



Death Valley is a remote desert area located in eastern California. Situated within the Mojave Desert region, it features the lowest, driest, and hottest locations in all of North America. Badwater, a basin located within the Valley, is the specific point of the lowest elevation, at 282 feet below sea level. This area is only 84 miles east-south-east of Mt. Whitney, the highest point in the contiguous United States, with an elevation of 14,497 feet. One of the most interesting and challenging mysteries of Death Valley is the sliding rocks at 'Racetrack Playa' (a playa is a dry lake bed). These rocks can be found on the floor of the playa with long and distinct trails behind them. Yes, that's right -- and no one knows for sure how these rocks move, and no one has ever reported actually seeing them move -- but they do move great distances, some of them weighing several hundred pounds! Treasure hunter Rod Florea and tracker/cartographer Mitch Holland are about to confront this mystery -- as they go in search of Spotted Elk, a Native American friend (The Secret of Monument Valley), who while on a personal quest has suddenly turned up missing in the far reaches of Death Valley -- somewhere within the parched and desolate region known as Racetrack Playa... Are you ready? Hang on tight! The greatest thing about this particular author is that as you turn the pages, you will find yourself right there in the middle of it all -- living and breathing the story!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 150 Pages
  • File Size: 5,623 KB

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