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Scrappily Ever After


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Springtime may be for lovers, but for one of the ladies of the Cumberland Creek Scrapbook Crop, it's turning into a season of conflict. Still smarting from her divorce, Vera can't decide whether to accept a marriage proposal. She doesn't want to spoil a good thing by putting another ring on her finger. On the other hand, her mother Beatrice has flown off to France with the man of her dreams. But when folks claim to have seen Bea around town and Vera can't reach her, she starts to search for her mother. Is Bea still in France? And if not, what has happened to her?

As Vera tries to solve the mystery of her missing mother, other problems crop up for the scrapbookers, including a health crisis in Sheila's family and a surprise announcement from Paige's son. If only life could be as neat and pretty as a scrapbook album! Some of the answers to their recent dilemmas will bring surprises that the croppers could never have predicted!

Includes tips and a glossary of terms for the modern scrapbooker!

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  • We started tracking this book on October 19, 2014.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 58 Pages
  • File Size: 1,174 KB

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