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Updated and expanded -- with a new foreword by Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of Jesus and John Wayne -- Malestrom provides a redemptive vision of biblical manhood and a way through the treacherous seas of patriarchy.

Like the danger of a maelstrom in the open seas, a relentless force threatens our culture, swirling with hidden currents that distorts God's image of personhood. This book reveals how the malestrom is one of the Enemy's single most successful strategies. Its victories are flashed before us every day in the headlines as men lose sight of who God created them to be. It has consumed the evangelical church that stoops to offering toxic "manly" solutions to the wrongs it perceives in society and distracts from the rich potential God has entrusted to his sons.

Digging deeply into the stories of men in the Bible who subverted cultural hierarchies, Carolyn Custis James shows us how countercultural God's design for men really is. Through personal story, biblical commentary, and cultural analysis, Custis James:

• Makes a strong case for the unbiblical nature of patriarchy.

• Illuminates the sociology of marginalization and cultural gender roles.

• Takes a close biblical look at Jesus and what his character and humanity means to the men of the church today.

Malestrom offers what we so desperately need -- a biblical, global, timeless vision of godly personhood that is big enough to encompass the diversity of men's lives and strong enough to withstand the crises they face.

"It is one thing to critique the abuses of a domineering masculinity and lament the religious and societal consequences, but Carolyn Custis James takes the next crucial step and offers us a better path forward. For those asking, "What now?" Malestrom serves as a sure-footed guide." -- Kristin Kobes Du Mez

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 217 Pages
  • File Size: 1,902 KB

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