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Clay (Farther Than We Dreamed Book 1)


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Farther Than We Dreamed Episode One: Clay

The Universe is impossibly vast,
Even with warp drive, teleportation, & worm holes,
There are places you could never go.
But you could broadcast a signal out across forever,
You could tell the distant molecules and atoms to create new people on the other side
And send them off exploring...

Charlie Daemon was a late 21st century rock n roll star.
One day he was ripped out of his life, away from the woman he loved, and woke up in the far future, the captain of a spaceship/moon on the other side of the cosmos. His crew is made up of twelve of the greatest artists, scientists, and leaders of the next eight hundred years: The doctor who invented the Martian race, the Queen of the British Corporation, a Chinese cyborg-warlord, an eight foot tall Australian Aborigine, a post-human physicist covered in white fur.
Together they must understand why they are there, explore the galaxies, explore reality, and come to grips with the results of lives they don't even remember living.

Read this book and ride a radio wave out past the other side of forever.
Read this book and The Secrets of the Universe will be revealed to you.

Please note: All the contents of this ebook were previously published in Farther Than We Dreamed Book One: The Secrets of the Universe (ASIN B00O3TTEJ2), which contained episodes 1-4 of the series. This file is only episode one and contains no new material.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 89 Pages
  • File Size: 1,055 KB

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