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This technical note describes a simple mathematical-geometrical solution for unifying the four fundamental forces in nature. The fundamental forces of gravitation, electromagnetism, strong force, and the weak force are actually different aspects of the same force. In general, the relationship between the four forces can be described using a form of the equation for Analog Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (Analog-QAM). This equation form is developed utilizing the concept of a "blinking" or discrete physical universe. The approach to develop the solution is described by minimizing the number of available dimensions (zero), which is in contrast to numerous efforts (String theory, Mtheory, Quantum gravity) that attempt to maximize the number of dimensions under consideration. An Electrical Universe (EU) model is presented that provides sufficient conditions for a solution. This mathematical solution should be tested against experimental data to confirm its validity, however it is noted that, "discrete-time" forces will be measured differently than "time-averaged" forces in a laboratory environment. Confirmation of the theory is suggested through small, discrete-time interval measurements of the gravitational acceleration force and the electromagnetic force, where they will be seen to vary continuously, and yet also retain a "time-averaged" value. Each reader must comprehend that our universe literally blinks off and on, more than 1 trillion times every second.

For those unconvinced that our universe is blinking, please read "1024 Elementary Particles," which provides compelling mathematical evidence.


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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 20 Pages
  • File Size: 560 KB

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