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Podcasting for Dollars: How to Create & Grow Your Own Internet Talk Show

Turn your podcasting dreams into a money making machine!

Create your own profitable internet radio podcast.

Have you ever listened to a podcast on iTunes or elsewhere and thought, "I can do that"? The truth is, you definitely can do that. It's much easier than you might imagine. A successful podcast can easily reach many thousands and thousands of people (sometimes hundreds of thousands) and is an incredible way on which to build a business or augment an existing one.

You can create a podcast on almost any topic... and have it to be successful. The Internet is a very, very large place and if your podcast is well-designed, you will attract a large audience. Perhaps your interest is in politics, religion, business, health, or even a hobby such as fine wine, you can easily create a podcast on that topic... and make money from home.

Podcasting for Dollars takes you through the process of selecting the right equipment and software, setting it up, and making a go in your first podcast. You'll learn how to market your podcast, how to gain followers, and how to make money from your podcast. It's much easier than you could ever imagine which is why the industry is growing so quickly.

In Podcasting for Dollars: How to Create & Grow Your Own Internet Talk Show you will learn:

• What is the best kind of microphone for your podcast.

• What kind of computer you would need for your podcast.

• What kind of computer you would need for your podcast.

• The best recording software for your podcast.

• How to create an RSS feed for your podcast.

• Where to upload your podcast for maximum exposure.

• How to earn money from your podcast.

• Much, much more!

Radio is dead and the future is here... and it's podcasting
Pick up Podcasting for Dollars to learn how you can take part in this fast growing market of internet radio.

Take action now. Scroll up and click the 'buy' button at the top of this page and you can read Podcasting for Dollars: How to Create & Grow Your Own Internet Talk Show on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.

Tags: podcast, make money podcasting, internet marketing

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: February 8, 2015
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 33 Pages
  • File Size: 1,896 KB

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