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The Rooftop Garden: How to Build an Urban Farm


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Rooftop gardens are becoming increasingly popular. They are a great way to produce fresh, local food in urban areas. "The Rooftop Garden: How to Build an Urban Farm" is the perfect beginners guide to starting your own rooftop garden, recommended for urban gardeners (current or aspiring) with a rooftop, deck, balcony or patio. This short book will walk you through all the aspect of starting an urban garden and producing vegetables, herbs and fruit for your own consumption or for sale.

Topics include:
? Introduction to Rooftop Gardening
? Constructing a Rooftop Garden
? Pots, Beds, and Potting Soil
? Herbs for a Rooftop Garden
? Vegetables for a Rooftop Garden
? Fruit for a Rooftop Garden
? Hydroponic Methods
? Pests and Diseases
? Useful Books and Websites

Help the Environment and Yourself
Growing food locally can be environmentally friendly, since it often has a low carbon footprint. Also, truly fresh food contains more vitamins than food that has spent many days in transit and sitting on store shelves. You could also save money by growing a wide range of edible goods, all while enjoying a pastime traditionally reserved for rural areas.
This book will show you how to get the most out of your urban space with a wealth of information and advice. Read this book today and soon you will be growing your own vegetables, herbs and fruit from the comfort of your own home.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 36 Pages
  • File Size: 3,192 KB

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