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Serpent Seed and the Sin of Ham


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In chapter one of this booklet, I read from Genesis and detailed the three births of Adam. I also explain who the serpent was and who Cain's father was. Also, I reveal how Eve opened the door for the serpent to cause Adam and Eve to fall. Understanding the beginning is vital if you want to understand any part of the Bible, and this book will give you scripture and references that will prove the traditional concept wrong and open your eyes to what God is telling us.

In chapter two, I explain that national radio and television ministers try to teach about Noah, Ham, Canaan, and Japheth. They will say that Ham went into his father, Noah, and they committed a homosexual act in the tent, but I will show scripture that proves this philosophy to be in error. Ham uncovered his father's nakedness, so what does that mean? The answer is in this booklet. It is a must-have for your library!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 91 Pages
  • File Size: 1,685 KB

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