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Return To Paradise


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A place where prayer, faith, hope, love, and little miracles come together. Return To Paradise is the story of a physical detour that turns in to a spiritual journey.

A detour and a freak accident result in David finding himself in the small farming community of Spring River. Is David's arrival in Spring River purely happenstance, or is there a reason for him to be there? As David learns more about the corrupt practices of the local bank he must decide what role, if any, he will play in trying to stop the foreclosures. Complicating his decision is Sarah, a local waitress. With plans to only be in town a couple of days, David knows that Sarah will likely be just a passing acquaintance. But is that all she really is to him?

Through prayer and faith, the town of Spring River is given new hope. Through prayer and learning to surrender to God's will, David is shown the path that God has for him.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 246 Pages
  • File Size: 2,530 KB

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