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Learn to Practice Witchcraft and Magick TODAY!

Witchcraft and Magick have exited for thousands of year. Everyone can learn to practice Witchcraft and Magick. Isn't time to tap into your supernatural self and empower your life with the knowledge of witchcraft and magick.

This beginner's guide includes all the information you need to start your journey into the world of witchcraft to unleash your spirituality and help you discover your magickal powers.

Inside you will learn:

? What is witchcraft and magick
? The history of witchcraft
? The difference between magic and magick
? The different branches of witchcraft including Paganism, Wicca, Kabbalah, Tarot Numerology and more
? Famous practitioners who were the pioneer in their field and help form the path to witchcraft today
? Different practice and usage like fortune telling, medicine, rituals and more
? Equipment used in witchcraft and magick
? 10 beginners spell you can learn to cast right away and make your life and the life of your love ones better including:
? A simple spell blessing for health
? A candle spell for increasing happiness
? A simple spell for finding things
? Casting a spell to increase fortunes
? A protective spell for your home
? And more

After reading this book you be well on your way to starting your spiritual journey into witchcraft and magick.

Scroll back up and grab your copy today!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 121 Pages
  • File Size: 7,388 KB

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