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In an ancient world, ruled by Dragons...

"If these codes cannot or will not be adhered to or honored, then one may live as an outcast (oon'tau), away from Arydd'liss and Mount N'ethim, forbidden to be allowed among the Sovereign Dragons and its society for the rest of their natural life... "

Niamh, a young, reclusive farm girl, wishes nothing more than to have a quiet, normal life; until she becomes the focus of an outcast Dragon terrorizing the village of Dunmuir. When her farm comes under attack and the Dragon seemingly appears wherever Niamh is, she is thought to be a witch and responsible for calling down the outcast Dragon. The village Administer sends a message to the Dragon Sage, Galddor, to assist with expunging the outcast Dragon. Now, facing the wrath of the entire village, Niamh must plead with the Dragon Sage of Arydd in order to protect her life from the outcast Dragon and the villagers. But, does Niamh have a secret?

A side story adventure in the Realms of Arydd, not directly part of the Dragon Sage Trilogy.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 256 Pages
  • File Size: 4,075 KB

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