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Is there such a thing as an echo of death? It has been exactly 100 years since Cassandra Whitby's suicide. Now a team of crack paranormal investigators will be waiting to hear that echo and capture it for posterity - if they can pull themselves together and function as a team, that is. With Carmilla the vampire babe, Jinx the psychic comedian, and Porter the Ghost-Sniffing Dog running around, how can a serious investigator like Edson Darby-Deaver make paranormal history? Add the swashbuckling ghost hunter Teddy Force to the mix, and Edson doesn't stand a chance. Fortunately, he has friends with powerful connections. Taylor Verone and her mystical cat, Bastet, are there to give him the help he needs to unmask a killer, but they'll have to work fast: Teddy is the next target for murder.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 185 Pages
  • File Size: 1,188 KB

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