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This cow book for kids is not only a book, there are also lyrics for the Klara The Cow Song. This song can be downloaded at no charge. This cow book for children shows how Klara is a little different from the other cows, because she has a very special talent. She is so special that a Prince offered to buy her from the farmer, but the Prince soon learned that Klara is more precious than any money he could ever offer. This cow book presents how it's okay to be different, and it feels good to be loved and special. Let's learn more about Klara and her friends in this fun rhyming picture book!

This rhyming book for children is full of colourful and fun illustrations that will enchant your kids' hearts. They will surely want to read this rhyming story book again and again. This baby cow book for kids is a great read-aloud book and is perfect for pre-schoolers at any time of day, especially bedtime storytelling. Klara the Cow Who Knows How To Bow is also great as a self-reading and early reader book for primary or elementary school children.

Additionally, you can download the free sing-along soundtrack, and sing-along with the whole family. Once you and your kids hear this catchy tune about Klara The Cow, you will be singing yourselves to sleep!

This is a great rhyming book for toddlers and also a perfect early reader book. Rhyming teaches children who are learning to read about the patterns and structures in both spoken and written words. Rhyming and songs expose children to the rhythm of language, which helps them read with some animation in their voice instead of simply repeating in a monotone fashion. Rhyming also helps children learn about word families such as cow, now, bow, how and so on. For instance, if your child is learning to spell, if they can spell cow, they can spell how and if they can spell how they can spell now.

Have you ever seen kids sitting and happily listening to someone reading in a monotone voice? We haven't. If you want to hold a child's attention, read with inflection and animation, and they will sit glued to your voice. Rhyming and rhythm are very important skills that help a young reader learn to use inflection an animation when reading aloud. Rhyming also prepares kids to make predictions while learning words and gives them crucial interpretation skills.

Another free download that comes with Klara The Cow Who Knows How To Bow, is an audio MP3 file of the author Kimberley Kleczka, reading the book in her ever fun and animated style. Your children can read along with the author, or just listen and enjoy. A big thanks from us all at Koolamundo! It's a Kool World!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 40 Pages

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