



When Allison Lopez, a psychic hotline operator and real-life witch, receives a desperate call from Marisa, a woman claiming someone named "The Huntsman" is after her, Allison uses her remote viewing skill to see that Marisa is surrounded by snow.

Then the line goes dead -- along with their psychic link. Worried sick, Allison follows a hunch and heads to the only ski lodge open in the summer: La Chasse Resort in Oregon.

Once there, she searches for the mysterious caller by blending in as a server in the resort's restaurant. As Allison uncovers more secrets, she realizes someone is stalking her, too.

Allie soon discovers that something sinister is happening at La Chasse Resort. Guests are checking in, but they're not checking out. Meanwhile, a creepy old family prepares for the mother of all hunts...
The Witch and the Huntsman is the third book in the Allison Lopez series of supernatural mysteries, and is part of the broader Vampire for Hire world.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 181 Pages
  • File Size: 1,818 KB

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