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A few days before 9/11, a number of unidentified people invested heavily in the stocks of American and Untied Airlines and Transamerica Insurance. They bought "put options" in the belief that the stocks would drop in price. After the attack, those men made 22.7 million dollars. Fast forward to the present... A brilliant economist has been fired and disgraced by the EU. He is planning his revenge. He will buy "put options" on the Euro in anticipation of a fall in the currency, which he will guarantee by killing the three individuals most responsible for holding the EU together. The second half of the book is a pursuit through Europe of this madman by my protagonist, Paul Decker, and his counterpart, the beautiful Mossad agent, Alex Stern... a chase more intense that that of the Jackal stalking Charles De Gaulle.

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  • We started tracking this book on July 3, 2015.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 467 Pages

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