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A broken world demands a response.

Subversive Jesus is the story of one family's experiment in putting the most counter-cultural teachings of Christ into practice. When Jesus says invite the poor for a meal, Craig and his family welcome homeless friends, local crack addicts, and women from the street corner over for dinner. When Jesus proclaims freedom for the captive, they organize Pirates of Justice flash mobs to protest cruise ship exploitation. When Jesus teaches love for enemies, they make homemade cookies and lemonade for the local drug dealers, and none of them show up! This adventure takes Craig's family from the slums of Cambodia to inner city Canada and back again.
You might think that Jesus' most subversive teachings should be systematically laid out in a theological textbook. With plenty of dull footnotes. But Jesus knows well that we are people of story and grit. We need to see theological ideas in messy human form so they can spark something real in our imagination. We need to see other people screw up so we can laugh or weep and then imagine that we might dare to risk failure too.
Allow their journey to inspire your own. Allow Jesus to subvert what you think you already know. And you'll find that this book becomes an invitation to say yes to this subversive Jesus and do something courageous with your life - for the sake of justice, mercy, and faithfulness in a broken world.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 172 Pages
  • File Size: 1,074 KB

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