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"A heroic PI, a certifiable serial killer, and a captivating cat burglar... "

Private Investigator Nicoli, "Nikki," Hunter has recovered from a near-fatal encounter with a multiple murderer and is happy to get back to her routine bar and restaurant surveillance jobs. Unfortunately, the universe has other plans. One evening, as she's acting as a decoy/victim to attract a bartender accused of sexual assault, Jack, "The Cat," McGuire settles on an adjacent bar stool and tells her a story that will change the course of her life.

Murder Over Cocktails is the second mystery featuring PI Nikki Hunter, a thirty-six-year-old, gun-toting, brainy beauty who excels at getting into other people's business. Hunter's office is in a marina complex in Redwood City, California, where she also lives aboard a forty-six foot Cheoy Lee sailboat.

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  • We started tracking this book on September 5, 2015.
  • This book was $5.73 when we started tracking it.
  • The price of this book has changed 76 times in the past 3,395 days.
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  • The lowest price to date was FREE last reached on December 20, 2024.
  • This book has been FREE 27 times since we started tracking it.
  • The highest price to date was $5.73 last reached on September 5, 2015.
  • This book has been $5.73 one time since we started tracking it.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 333 Pages
  • File Size: 1,526 KB

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