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Falling in love with Lenny should have been the end to all of Anita's troubles.
For her, it's only the beginning, when family secrets start unravelling. His ex-wife, Natasha, is succumbing to a mysterious disease. How can Anita compete with her shadow? How can she find a voice of her own?

And when his estranged son, Ben, comes back and lives in the same small apartment, can she keep the balance between the two men, whose desire for her is marred by guilt and blame?
"A creative, gripping and deeply moving tale of a young girl coming of age in unfathomable emotional circumstances."
Dealing with the challenging prospects of the marriage of opposites, this book can be read as a standalone novel as well as part of one of family sagas best sellers. Still Life with Memories is a family saga series tinged with family saga romance, fraught with marital issues, and riddled with the difficulty of connecting fathers and sons.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 31, 2015
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 166 Pages
  • File Size: 2,826 KB

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