



Want to revamp your beauty routine with all-natural beauty products you can make at home and gain a better knowledge of essential oils and aromatherapy?
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Then this is the book for you! It will go through all the benefits and applications of essential oils in your daily routine. Essential oils are the most cost efficient and natural way to apply to your skin or for certain ailments. They can be used on multiple skin types to cure anything from lack of hydration to dealing with pesky facial acne or smoothing out wrinkles.

Inside find:
? What are essential oils and aromatherapy
? A comprehensive list and properties of each essential oil mentioned
? The benefits of essential oils for skincare
? How to extract essential oils on your own
? A list of which essential oils suit which skin type best
? Body butters and other useful products for moisturizer
? Body scrub recipes
? Moisturizers recipes
? Recipes for sunscreens, face masks, lip balms, hair care, anti-aging serum and much more.

Let get going and make our own all-natural beauty products and have this glorious and radiant skin we all deserve.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 88 Pages
  • File Size: 1,996 KB

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