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The Fire Within

by (Gary Hutchens)

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This is an action packed historical novel that follows our two main characters through a spider web of times and places. Captain Harris, is an American in London fighting for the British during World War II. Lujza is a seven year old peasant girl in Hungary during the 1840's. They find themselves thrown together in a transitional world where they face life and death struggles. Through time Lujza ages and a love story evolves. Time and distance becomes nonexistent as these two try to survive against the violence, cruelty, and hate all around them. Captain Harris isn't certain he sees Lujza at the Prime Minister's residence in London in the 1940's, and he can't believe he saves Lujza in the 1840's in Venice from being sold into slavery. Multiple times our main character's paths cross and their very sanity is questioned as to whether it is real or is it a dream. Can a glass box created by Lujza and her papa at Count Mezzonyi's glass factory in Hungary provide all of the answers?

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 27, 2015
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 632 Pages
  • File Size: 1,145 KB

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