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In Search of Jessica


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Jesse and Jessica shared almost everything as children, except the same birthday. One other thing they couldn't share was the love of their dad. He had his favorite for reasons best not mentioned.

The family is torn apart when their dad is found murdered with all the traits of a particular twisted MO. A robbery gone wrong, jealous partner in a love triangle, warring neighbors, or someone closer to home? For Logan, the lead detective at the time and now head of LAPD homicide, the answer was and is simple. Jessica was guilty. That's despite the case having never gone to trial, now gathering dust after fifteen years as his only cold case file of an otherwise illustrious career.

When a murder takes place with a similar MO, detective Jason Stone is allocated the case. He's a young man on a one-man mission to make a name for himself, and one who will break the rules to get there. Stone believes a mysterious person he dubs the Night Girl holds the key to unraveling the case. But just as he is close to cracking the case, his suspect list grows.

Taken off the case, he goes undercover to continue his investigation. Infatuated, he places Jessica under surveillance to get close. Too close. Someone should tell him to stop chasing a dream, or could end up as the serial killer's next target.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 322 Pages
  • File Size: 983 KB

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