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Mid-Life Crisis Diaries


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Renowned therapist and San Francisco's Love Guru, Marsha Caufield, thought she had her life all figured out -- marrying her college sweetheart and establishing a successful career. During their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, her husband, Blake walks out on her and turns Marsha's world upside down. Lost and confused, Marsha crosses paths with uninhibited sex coach, Dr. Lee who invites her to participate in a mid-life crisis study where she'll spend one month in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Marsha isn't in favor of Dr. Lee's invitation, but realizes staying in San Francisco will only remind her of Blake and continue to make her life miserable.

In Puerto Vallarta, Marsha meets twenty-seven year old businessman, Andre Lopez who helps her nurse her wounds. Although Marsha hopes to reunite with Blake, she realizes that being single isn't so bad at all. She discovers new things about herself and learns what she's been missing. Right when Marsha's ready to move on, Blake, who is filled with remorse, comes running back to her. Will Marsha take him back or will she embrace her new life?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 280 Pages
  • File Size: 455 KB

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