



A full-color cookbook with more than 80 healthy hot and cold soup recipes and cleanses for losing weight, detoxification, and revitalized health.

Souping is a new way to cleanse the body. Packed with more than 80 delicious and incredibly healthy recipes that can be eaten on the go, Souping is the first-ever cookbook of its kind to cover this trend. Step-by-step instructions for making and storing each savory, sweet, filling, energizing, or calming soup make souping easy, and nutritional breakdowns and explanations of the health benefits of key ingredients allow you to track your progress. Both time- and goal-based plans ranging from one to seven days outline day-by-day menus, never offering the same meal twice.

Whether you want to lose weight, boost your immunity, or improve your overall health, Souping can help you cleanse smarter.

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  • We started tracking this book on January 12, 2016.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 346 Pages
  • File Size: 146,219 KB

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