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The Radical (UNITY Book 1)


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Forty years ago, a virus decimated the global population. Now it's 2063 and only one person seems to be chasing the truth behind an outbreak which remains largely a mystery.

Seraphina "Seraph" Maddon is a New York City journalist doing what others have been killed for, spending her days seeking that one lead that will take her right to the heart of a corrupt regime strangulating love, faith and hope. So it's a shock when answers emerge from the most unexpected of places - York, England.

Seraph's great-aunt Eve Maddon, seemingly a simple dressmaker, lived a life Seraph knew nothing about. It's in the UK Seraph becomes aware she's in real danger and along for the ride is Ryken Hardy, a virologist built more like a warrior than scientist.

The founder of UNITY, the one group working to return some sort of normality to the world, appears to be run by someone codenamed The Operator. But who is The Operator?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 324 Pages
  • File Size: 1,207 KB

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