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All realities are made up of vibrating energy. You are a multi-dimensional Being existing in more than one reality at any given time. You may shift "up" to a higher version of you by focusing on a higher vibration.

To use another analogy - say you have a game. Each level reached within the game carries a reward. It's not that you deserve or don't deserve the reward. The reward or gift is always there on that particular level and you have simply accessed that level.

When you raise yourself to the level where the highest vibration realities exist you are going into a parallel reality; a reality that is already alive! The goal is to enter it and stay in it.

How? You stay in the highest vibration, or version of yourself and you are magnetically drawn to that parallel reality. You live there also - simultaneously - you just haven't focused on that reality as you have been busy focusing on your current reality.

It's not a future but a now! All parallel realities are here and now and they exist just as your current reality exists.

You may shift "up" to a higher version of you by focusing on a higher vibration. Certain "feelings" give you a "lift up" to the next vibration.

Once you raise yourself to a higher vibration you are magnetically drawn into the next higher vibrational stream of reality. You live where you choose to live by your choice of feelings. Low vibratory feelings draw you "into" a low vibrating stream of energy or a low vibrating parallel reality.

You see, everything is already created! Everything that could possibly be imagined is already "alive" in the field of potentiality or the God force. Nothing that exists is wrong or bad or right or good. Everything, absolutely everything is simply energy in movement. Move your energy in the direction you choose. You may climb "up" the stairs or "down" the stairs depending on which level of the mansion you wish to experience. It's all just energy and you are simply on a tour of the mansion. You come and go often, and this is not your first, nor your last time to visit. Where would you like to go?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 164 Pages
  • File Size: 2,650 KB

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