



Discover The Amazing Health Benefits of The Low Cholesterol Diet!

Cutting cholesterol doesn't mean cutting taste or variety - or spending hours in the kitchen on complicated recipes. From the author of several bestselling cookbooks, busy mom and fitness enthusiast Alissa Noel Grey, comes a great new collection of delicious heart healthy recipes that will add years to your life and give you a practical eating program to help you see amazing results.

The Low Cholesterol Diet: 101 Delicious Low Fat Soup, Salad, Main Dish, Breakfast and Dessert Recipes for Better Health and Natural Weight Loss is an invaluable and inspirational resource of healthy, whole food, primarily plant-based recipes that will help you balance cholesterol levels, improve your health, and add years to your life. Whether your goal is to drastically lower your cholesterol or simply feel better, this unique cookbook and health guide will give you practical advice and everyday guidance to help you lower your cholesterol without drugs and has everything you need to start living a healthier life.
This book includes:

Timely, reliable information on the differences between "good" and "bad" cholesterol

The effects of high cholesterol on artery blockage and health

Suggestions to improve your overall health

101 Easy, great tasting meals created with common ingredients -- from smoothies and bowls to pasta and stews, eat well without having to visit specialty grocery stores or deal with hard-to-find ingredients.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 122 Pages
  • File Size: 1,259 KB

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