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Red Rock Pass, Book Two

If there's one thing that Brynn Adler hates, it's feeling helpless and vulnerable in unfamiliar territory. Three weeks ago, life tossed her into just such a world. A world of werewolves she never knew existed -- until she found out her sister was one of them. The pack seems determined to hurry her back to the normal world of humans. But after everything she's witnessed, she's not sure she wants to go -- especially if it means leaving not only her sister behind, but the one man who makes her forget her life is falling apart. Now all she has to do is convince him to agree to a plan to force the pack to let her stay.

Joe Mitchell has been battling his protective instincts since he rescued Brynn from her kidnapper. Getting involved with her is a bad idea for a lot of reasons. She's on shaky emotional ground, and a supernatural war is no place for a human woman. He's not about to let her make a hasty decision, one that will only bring her pain and regret. Now all he has to do is let her go.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 242 Pages
  • File Size: 1,319 KB

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