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Amazon Harvest (The Harvester Series Book 1)


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An Alien Invasion can really screw up trying to save the rainforest. In Amazon Harvest, an impossible mountain appears after a bizarre storm in the middle of the lush rainforests of central Brazil. Within reside a host of aliens coveting the one thing the region has in abundance... life. Sally Morgan and her brother David are on a college research team looking for alternative growing methods to save the ever-declining forest. But when monstrous creatures begin harvesting everything in sight, they suddenly find themselves struggling just to save themselves. Both brother and sister must face incredible challenges and overcome many fears, both new and old, to survive the alien onslaught.
Meanwhile, Colonel Marcus Antinasio, a Brazilian marine officer, is sent into the region to discover why all communications with the area have been cut off. After a treacherous journey, he and his men find the answer and a threat that could destroy not only the rainforest, but all life on Earth.
Book 2 - A Harvest of Aliens - is now available on In it, US Marines arrive and join the fight with the Brazilian military to drive back the alien monsters.
Book 3 - Riverine Harvest - The war moves to the heart of the Amazon Basin, its rivers. Out summer 2022.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 246 Pages
  • File Size: 3,398 KB

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