



The Day America Died: New Beginnings - Book 1 .
Zack Johnson has been living day by day since his divorce. Helplessly lost without the woman he once loved, he spends most days drinking to excess and chasing women for an hour or two of meaningless pleasure. It seems like his rudderless life is as empty as the pile of bottles in his yard, but when rogue nations conspire to knock out the US grid, using primitive nuclear weapons to create a shattering EMP blast, the country he loves is suddenly transported back 150 years. With technology all but destroyed, Zack knows that he has to stand up and be counted as the country becomes a lawless wasteland, filled with vagabond gangs and danger lurking behind every bush. But Zack is 2,000 miles from home, and as the government begins to crack down and things spiral out of control, he knows he only has a limited amount of time to get to his daughter and bring her to the safety of his Kentucky farm. Along the way, Zack will face danger like never before. But can he reach Callie before she comes to harm or is placed in a relocation camp? With the odds stacked against him, Zack will do anything it takes.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 249 Pages
  • File Size: 4,542 KB

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